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Wordpress Rehub 3.9.4 Directory Shop Coupon Affiliate Theme

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 01 Maret 2015 | 13.27

download free rehub 3.9.4 nulled theme

REHub – Hybrid wordpress template with enhanced affiliate, coupon, directory functions + ECWID + WOOCOMMERCE + EasyDigitalDownload + BBPress + Affiliate links builder support

REHub is a modern hybrid theme for magazine, blog, review, shop options. It has emphasis on modern style, content and has different options for affiliate earnings, coupon and review website and e-shops. So you can use it for different purposes: from standalone blog to portal with shop, review system, news magazine, comparison websites, digital products shop.

Tons of content blocks, page builder, shortcodes

You can build your own layout using tons of different content blocks and shortcodes for awesome content presentation.

Header customization

You can use block or full width header, change background and color, use predefinite white, black style or customize color of any part of header. Also, you can choose different layout of header

Comparison product wordpress theme and creating comparison lists

Do you want to create great comparison lists or top reviews pages? It’s easy now with our theme. You can choose between 3 different designs for comparison pages and top posts. Also we update these functions and implement new features.

Branded pages

I include in REHub theme enhanced options for branding. You can change background, cover images, insert link to background, insert branded image, etc. Also you have 2 banners zone and 2 ads shortcode + shortcode for offerbox, promobox. You can set branded banner and background for overall site, each individual post and for categories


V3.9.4 – 11 FEB 2015
Improvement: Css improvements for compatibility with last version of woocommerce
V3.9.3 – 11 FEB 2015
Added: Field to use video for top sliders
Added: “Popup on button” module
Added: Option to use infinite scroll for woocommerce grid module
Added: Option to disable big full width title on inner page
Fix: Review script fix when comments are closed in user review system
Update: Flexslider to last version
Update: Font awesome icons
Improvement: js optimization (move some inline scripts from footer to main js file)
V3.9.2 – 4 FEB 2015
Added: New column grid module for visual composer
Added: New module for visual composer for more easy setting MDTF filters output. See docs http://rehub.wpsoul.net/documentation/docs.html#res_tem
Added: Update in child theme, now all visual composer custom blocks work also with child theme
Added: Captions for post slider
Update: Deprecated catalogue/filter-masonry template for MDTF. Use template/grid instead and shortcode [mdf_custom template=template/grid]
Update: Now you can disable share buttons in top of page and in bottom separately
V3.9.1 – 30 JAN 2015
Fix: Fix in comments for regular posts when you enable user review system
Fix: Fix for footer widget height when you use slider in footer
Update: visual composer
V3.9 – 27 JAN 2015
Added: Opening in new window for some blocks
Added: Ability to use grid templates in search pages
Improvement: changed title block on single page + added social buttons in top of page (you can disable them and insert buttons by custom plugin)
Improvement: Some js and css optimization
Improvement: Improvements in adblock notificator script
Fix: Bug in popular posts widget inside REhub: Tabs
Fix: Fix for woocommerce order page
Fix: Bug fix for user reviews. If you have not correct overall score of user reviews, create page, enable user review corrector, publish and view page
Update: deprecated template “Landing page”, use “Page for visual builder instead” as more complex
V3.8 – 28 DEC 2014
Added: Now you can add links to gallery block in page builder
Added: Copy with click on coupon code
Added: Option to mask coupon code
Fix: Fix number of posts when more than 1000 in category widget
Fix: Some small fixes based on user feedbacks
Update: Changed field for menu description (now you need to use description field, not title)
Update: Redesign and full update of docs files
V3.7 – 20 DEC 2014
Fix: Fix pagination problem in offer template
Fix: Fixing equal height of widgets in footer
Fix: Fix for next – previous pagination in blocks of page builder
Fix: Fix ie11 menu issue
Added: Added tag description on tag archive page
Added: Added option to change color of link in post
Added: Added shortcode style for sidebar in MDTF plugin (reinstall plugin from theme bundle if you need it)
Added: Added ability to sort affiliate list
Improvement: Circle design of ratings in top review pages + animation
Improvement: Tons of small improvements based on buyer’s feedbacks
V3.6 – 8 DEC 2014
Added: Some redesign of main menu UI
Added: Added option to add description for link
Added: Added option to choose base for ordering in top review page
Added: Added blank child theme + some changes for better compatibility with child theme
Added: 4 templates for ajaxed filtered page for MDTF (see docs how to use them)
Added: Added ability to insert MDTF slideout search panel (see docs how to use this) example
Improvement: Added random post ordering in post list widget, added black color for post list widget
Improvement: Compatibility for uber menu plugin
Improvement: Change possition of currency to front in affiliate list
Update: Update of MDTF plugin
Note. To update MDTF plugin – delete your current plugin and install again from theme bundle
V3.5 – 30 NOV 2014
Added: Option to change text on buttons for each offer
Improvements: Deleted schema code from offer buttons for preventing schema errors
Improvements: Option to change “Choose offer” text on button from admin panel
Added: Added placeholders for comment section
Added: Added coupon option to affiliate link builder
Added: Added option to set sale price and old price to offers
Added: Added option to set date of coupon to affiliate link builder
Improvement: Changes in affiliate link list for woocommerce page
Improvement: Change menu for tablets to mobile view
Improvement: Added option to set category of products for woo carousel
Added: Added new shortcode for creating offer lists
Update: You can use video post format on ssl websites
Added: Added 2 templates for creating archive of Thirstylink Offers (grid and list)
Improvement: added share to FB button
Update: Help files
V3.4 – 17 NOV 2014
Fix: fix safari image stretching issue for 1-4 tab and shop carousel
Improvements: adding more compatibility for captcha plugins in comment section
V3.3 – 16 NOV 2014
Improvements: More wider layout and redesign
Improvements: Color styles and buttons
Improvements: Video blocks are responsive now
Improvements: Redesign of woocommerce carousel
Improvements: Redesign of home carousel
Improvements: Width of sidebar is 336px now (you can use super effective adsense ads blocks now)
Added: Full width grid layout for blog
Added: Styles for single specification widget for MDTF plugin
Added: New ads block before footer
Added: Function for post views count
Added: Option to choose popular widget tab based on post views
Update: Predefinite image sizes
V3.2.2 – 6 NOV 2014
Fix: fix in person schema + some seo improvements
V3.2.1 – 5 NOV 2014
Fix: fix for broken review box for logined user for guests review
V3.2 – 4 NOV 2014
Added: user reviews with criterias (beta)
Added: you can use shortcodes in ads slots now
Added: multicolor style of review box
V3.1.1 – 28 OCT 2014
Improvements: Option to disable crop in thumbnails
Improvements: Option to set “read full review” text from admin
Fixed: Fix for count in top lists with manual choosing
Update: Help files (chapter about feature section)
V3.1 – 23 OCT 2014
Improvements: speed optimization (changed some images to icon fonts, create css sprites, deleted unuseful css code and js code)
Improvements: in mobile version. Increased font size and image size
Fixed: some small w3c bugs
Improvements: Now you can use content in category description (html and shortcodes are allowed)
V3.0.1 – 19 OCT 2014
Fix: [wpsm_top] shortcode for creating top lists inside post changed to [wpsm_toplist] for preventing conflict with other shortcodes
Fix: [wpsm_specification] shortcode is working now without attributes
Update: help files (check it online http://rehub.wpsoul.net/documentation/docs.html)
V3.0 – 16 OCT 2014
Added: WordPress Meta Data Filter & Taxonomies Filter plugin for creating filtered catalogues, directories, listings (see some examples)
Added: Catalogue constructor template
Added: Shortcode for creating specification
Added: Numbered headings shortcode
Added: Top lists inside post shortcode (see demo )
Added: Vimeo social icon in theme options
Fix: crop bug in resizer
Improvements: Option to use custom fields values as description for top lists
Improvements: Option to disable dotted overlay on thumbnails
Improvements: Width of content area for mobiles changed to 300 px
Update: Help files
V2.9.5 – 29 SEP 2014
Improvements: Option to disable resize images of top post sliders
Improvements: Option to fit branded banner to width and height of screen
Improvements: Option to choose 3 different design of rating block in comparison lists
Improvement: Change default thumbnails images
Added: Out content ads widget
V2.9.4 – 21 SEP 2014
Improvements: compatibility with SEO by Yoast (deleted dublicated site name from title)
Fix: deleted word “Array” from news ticker
Added: infinite scroll for grid layouts
Improvement: Timer can be set for all product review types
Added: 2 ads slot (after post title and before content)
Added: option to set featured section by tag name
Fixes: small fixes for dark header style and color of current menu item and other improvements
V2.9.3 – 13 SEP 2014
Improvements: simplifying review schema for better google indexing
Fix: category setting of news ticker
Added: person schema (add url to your google plus to your profile)
Improvement: Design of rating score in comparison lists (old design with red colors grab too much attention from button)
Improvement: feature section now is disabled from pagination
Added: Option to globally disabling top image from single post
Added: Pros and Cons shortcode
V2.9.2 – 2 SEP 2014
Improvements: ability to use woocommerce box shortcode in any post
Added: related reviews widget
many small fixes and improvements
V2.9.1 – 28 AUG 2014
Fix: issue with not correct place of output for shortcode of comparison list
V2.9 – 26 AUG 2014
Improvements: in responsive view of top review lists
Fix: in count of posts in post lists widget
Added: options to connect woocommerce products with affiliate links and review posts
Improvement: ability to have multiple grid layout on page
Improvement: responsive view of woocommerce products
Improvement: option to disable price and button in woocommerce affiliate products (just don’t set any link and price)
Added: shop image in affiliate link builder (just add image link to category and this image will be used as offer thumbnail)
Update: help files
V2.8.1 – 17 AUG 2014
Improvements: speed optimization when your site has a lot of categories
Fix: fix for price (when you use price with dot) for affiliate links block
V2.8 – 13 AUG 2014
Improvements: option to choose descriptions in top lists
Added: shortcode to add top review list to any page
Added: Ads area before header
V2.7.2 – 6 AUG 2014
Improvements: Main menu
Added: Mega Main Menu compatibility
Added: compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Compare, YITH WooCommerce Wishlist
Improvement: russian localization
Improvement: built-in shortcode plugin now support subfolder wordpress installation
Improvement: woocommerce cart link in header now with ajax
V2.7.1 – 1 AUG 2014
Fix: widget work when use localization
Fix: small fix in russian localization
V2.7 – 1 AUG 2014
Added: woocommerce product review post
Added: awesome woocommerce product shortcode (just add [wpsm_woobox id=”woocommerce product ID”])
Added: compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Compare, YITH WooCommerce Wishlist
Added: russian localization
Improvement: flex slider preload in posts
Improvement: many small fixes and improvements
V2.6 – 22 JULY 2014
Improvement: add link to post from image in grid template
Improvement: when you don’t set review scores, review block don’t show
Improvement: option to set background for overlay in feature slider
Improvement: option to set block width for footer
Improvement: links from branded banners and backgrounds open in new window
Improvement: options to add rel=”nofollow” and open links in new window for all affiliate link buttons (for this, please, resave theme options page)
V2.5.1 – 19 JULY 2014
Fix: small bug that can cause critical blank page of website
Fix: full width logo option
V2.5 – 18 JULY 2014
Added: option to add slider to review post
Improvement: feature area now work in full-width templates
Added: fix many validator errors
Fix: small fixes for ecwid css
V2.4 – 14 JULY 2014
Added: option to manually selection and order for top review pages
Improvement: grid template has preloader now
V2.3.4 – 14 JULY 2014
Fix: category pagination in grid template
Fix: slider thumbnails in grid template
Improvement: offer box shortcode
V2.3.1 – 12 JULY 2014
Fix: mobile menu
Fix: small issue with disqus plugin
V2.3 – 10 JULY 2014
Added: EasyDigitalDownload plugin compatibility and customization
Added: Pagination for grid fullwidth template
Fix: icon in sticky mobile menu
Improvement: pagination design
V2.2 – 7 JULY 2014
Added: Adblock notice for ads (see help files how to add notice to post ads)
Added: Option to change body font
Improvement: beautiful mobile menu
Fixes: small fix for column shortcode and other
V2.1 – 3 JULY 2014
Added: Option to change button text for offer block
Added: Option to change sidebar to the left side
Fix: prevent wordpress changing facebook comment widget
Fixes: button on woocommerce carousel when product is variable
V2.0 – 1 JULY 2014
Added: Affiliate links builder integration
Added: Option to delete standart comments and set other comments widget (facebook, disqus, etc)
Added: 4 style of header (full width logo + 728*90 banner)
Added: Full width Grid style page template
Fixes: small fixes and improvements
Update: help files
V1.8.5 – 26 JUNE 2014
Improvement: Now you can choose category in post string for page builder
Added: Grid layout for blog, archives, category
Added: zip of clone of demo site, please see instructions at Demo_data folder
Improvement: Post order by review score in top reviews\product pages.
Attention. If you have already top review/product pages, you need to resave review posts that on this page. Sorry for inconveniences, but this update will open a way for new future functions and improvements.
V1.8.2 – 22 JUNE 2014
Improvement:Now you can use shortcodes in custom content block in page builder
Fix: Small bug with overlaping arrows of news ticker in boxed header
Fix: feature section on home page if no post set
V1.8.1 – 20 JUNE 2014
Added:Option to insert content on top review/product page
Fix: Bug with freezing button when enabled auto-saving draft
Update: Font Awesome font to 4.1.0
Added: Psd source for comparison pages
V1.8 – 19 JUNE 2014
Added:3 NEW designed Top review and product page templates
Fix: small fix for woocommerce css
Fix: fix language for FB button
V1.7 – 13 JUNE 2014
Added:More powerful option for header customization. Now you can change color, background of logo zone, colors of top line area, navigation.
Added: Option to change style of layout for categories
Added: Asynchronous load for post share buttons
Update: Change images in header to iconic fonts and bug fixes
V1.6 – 11 JUNE 2014
Fix: sticky post bug in default slider
Fix: bug in custom widget when no post founded
Added: WPML compatibility
V1.5 – 5 JUNE 2014
Added: Option to set branded banner image on category page and all inner posts of this category
V1.4.2 – 4 JUNE 2014
Fix: Bug with sticky navigation in block header
Improvements: Woocommerce buttons in main shop page match site colors
V1.4 – 29 MAY 2014
Added: Option for choose header style (logo+468X60 banner + search, logo + 728X90, full width logo)
Added: Home page full-width carousel
V1.2 – 26 MAY 2014
Improvements: Changed sidebar width to 300px for better compatibility with popular format of ADS
Improvements: Changed responsive version for pad
Added: Option to filter posts by post formats in post string blocks in page builder
Added: Customization for BBPress
V1.1 – 25 MAY 2014
Bug Fixed: Fixed problem in video block in page builder
Bug Fixed: Fixed responsive bug in IE and Safari
Vafpress Framework here
Some graphic from DuckFiles.com, premiumpixels.com, shelf psd mockup
Carousel – CarouFredSel jquery plugin
Font Awesome – Icons.
Carousel – CarouFredSel jquery plugin
Slider – FlexSlider jquery plugin
Countdown – CountDown plugin by littlewebthings project
Lightbox – Prettyphoto
Vertical newsscroll – totemticker
Jquery inview plugin
Sticky js
WP Image Resizer v1.2.1
Photos of gadgets and devices that you can see in preview pictures – are not available in sources. But you can download them here
Demo  Wordpress Rehub Directory Shop Coupon Affiliate Theme V3.9.4
Download Wordpress Rehub Directory Shop Coupon Affiliate Theme V3.9.4

2 komentar:

  1. Hi! You can also download REHub v5.3.3 Wordpress Theme For Free At
